The Benefits of Working a Four-Day Week

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The Benefits of Working a Four-Day Week

Recently, there have been increasing number of headlines about various companies trying to move away from the traditional Monday to Friday working week and instead trying to adopt a four day working system.

There are various benefits of this new way of working which include increase in employee productivity and getting a step closer to achieving a work life balance.

However, before implementing such a change, what are the legal considerations that should be taken into account when considering a four-day week?

What is the Concept all about?

Many companies are considering adopting the four-day work week system and coming up with different ways to implement it.

Some of the most common ones are:

1. The number of working hours for employees remain the same but divided into four days rather than five and hence the length of working days is increased. In such a scenario, employee benefits, contractual hours and the pay remain just the same and it is on the employer’s discretion to have all the employees be given off on the same day or they can choose to stagger the days off in order to keep the workplace open for the entire week. The second option is much more preferred, especially in the service sector where clients expect to have uninterrupted services. Clients who are working Monday to Friday work schedule would surely prefer you to be doing the same.

2. The other option is to reduce the employee’s working hours to four days’ worth instead of five days. This can be done with a pay deduction or without it. The strategy focuses on the fact that you reduce the number of hours by opting to work smarter not harder. The idea is to get the same amount of work getting done by working smarter not harder.

What are the benefits of flexible working?

The four day work week system has already been adopted by some employers in UK and the decisions have been taken based on the employee’s grievances.

Here are some highlights and vital reasons for adopting this system by employers, including some advantages of this working system:

1. It has a fair chance of improved and increased productivity

Working a four day week is believed to increase productivity levels in employees due to the positive effect on morale. of an extra day off. On the home front it could mean more relaxation, time with family and hence a better work life balance. The anticipation is that it improves the employee’s attitude towards their role and also lead to reduced absenteeism at work.

2. It will ensure a better work life balance

Considering a work life balance is one of the hardest thing to attain among most employees. It can also help employees who are parents to manage their work and family commitment.

3. It will lead to customer satisfaction

If employers opt for a four-day work week, it can mean the organisation can open earlier and stay open later, which provides better customer service. Commercial organisations that can work outside 9 to 5 schedules, will ensure they are more reachable to their clients.

In summary, organisations can benefit a lot by ensuring the employees work smart and not hard. Offering a four day week is a solution that can work for both the employer, the employee and the business customers.

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